Gameday Shirt

Gameday Shirt


Objective: The club has designated an optional Game Day Shirt (GDS) to serve as a team fundraiser. This shirt is to only be worn as a pre-game shirt, worn in between games, or worn on the player’s personal time.

Sponsorship: Each team is responsible for soliciting sponsorships for their team that will be displayed on the GDS. The club is not responsible for soliciting sponsors for teams. It is solely a team effort. All proceeds from the sponsors go directly to the team. NOTE: The sponsors should be made aware that this is a team sponsorship and NOT a club sponsorship with club-wide promotional privileges. If sponsors are interested in becoming a club sponsor, submit their contact info to a DOC or Pro Staff member.

Exceptions: In order to prevent conflict with the club’s primary sponsors, teams MAY NOT solicit from the following industries: Car dealers, RV dealers, Fast Food, Law Firms, Residential and Commercial Security, Physical Therapy, Solar power companies, and Orthopedic practices. In addition, NO businesses, such as sports bars or breweries, whose primary business is alcohol may be solicited. Questions regarding potential sponsors may contact Luis Gonzalez

Team Order: Each team is responsible to submit their team’s order to The Shop. It is expected that all orders be submitted on the form generated by The Shop. The selected shirt is unisex with respect to fit. It is RECOMMENDED that all players, especially female players, try on a sample at The Shop.

Collected Donations: Collected team donations will be turned into the club accountant for tracking, Wolf Weber. Use the Sponsor Donation form below to identify funds and their designated team. One form per sponsorship.

Shirt Space available for Sponsors: Teams have the back of the shirt available for team sponsors. The front of the shirt is reserved for club badge.

Sponsor Pricing/Logos/Layouts : Each team has the liberty to determine sponsorships fees. There are different size logos available to sell to potential sponsors. Each team will work with The Shop to provide sponsor logos and layout of logos. Logo formats: eps or ai. Logo questions contact Jose Verdugo at The Shop, 520-571-7510 or email:

Shirt Pricing/Invoice: Each shirt will cost $15 plus tax. The price includes the layout of logos and printing. It DOES NOT include logo design work. Contact Dustin with any questions. It is recommended that the total amount of sponsorship contributions be greater than the GDS order. The Shop can submit the invoice to FCT for payment or teams can make other arrangements.

Upon receipt of this form and donation, FCT will provide the donating sponsor a receipt with Federal tax ID number for tax purposes. All donations to FCT are tax deductible.

All checks should be made payable to: FC Tucson

Mail checks and forms to: FC Tucson P.O. Box 2190, Tucson, AZ 85702

Wolf Weber’s Email:

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